MoboPlay App Store 1.5.5 – Download for Android

MoboPlay App Store - Old version for Android
Latest Version: 1.5.5
Platform: Minimum: Android 4 or higher
Author: Official website
File size: ~ 6 MB
License: Free
Security level: 100% Safe

Download all the latest apps and games with MoboPlay App Store.

MoboPlay App Store is a very complete market where you can find all the apps and games you want in just a click. This tool lets you enjoy your favorite apps and discover other tools in a simple and convenient way.

This app organizes its content into four large windows: featured, games, apps, and discover. In the first one, you can find out what apps and games have been downloaded the most in the last few days, letting you know first hand which apps are the most popular. The discover window lets you see the featured apps of the day so you don’t miss a single new release.

Each app’s information page explains everything you need to know in detail including what it’s used for and what’s included in the latest version. This lets you answer any questions you may have when comparing two different apps and choose the one that best fits your needs. From the setup menu, you can uninstall apps, clean junk, and delete APK files that you no longer need. With MoboPlay App Store, you can download all the apps you want with just a click.



MoboPlay App Store - Old version for Android



Requires Android 4 or higher.


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